Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers (MAAF)


MAAF is a community support network that connects military members from around the world with each other and with local organizations. In addition to their community services, they take action to educate and train both the military and civilian community about atheism in the military and the issues that face them. Where necessary, MAAF identifies, examines, and responds to insensitive practices that illegally promote religion over non-religion within the military or unethically discriminate against minority religions or differing beliefs. MAAF supports Constitutional State-Church Separation and 1st Amendment rights for all service members. They also coordinate with other national organizations who hold the same values. The Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers an independent 501(c)3 project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs. This arrangement allows for lower costs and fully tax-deductible donations for all MAAF supporters.

Atheists are in foxholes - Take time today to join and donate. Look for a local group in your area.

Troy Moss